9 AM - Typical start, having our capsules with water. Erinn put her patch on the front of her thigh, and I put mine on my bicep.
9:30 AM - Since we aren't doing much today, and we want to conserve the THRIVE shakes, we have decided to go with other routes for breakfast this morning. I decided to have a Breakfast Essentials chocolate shake, and Erinn decided to start with a banana. We also had fresh croissants.
I had a lot of energy throughout the morning. I was productive (which rarely happens on a day off), and build some side tables for my bedroom and the guest room. I expected to be really tired today since I drove to Phoenix yesterday and we didn't get home until midnight. I was very surprised by my own productivity.
1 PM - We had chicken patties for lunch. We were a little hungry around 12, but weren't ready to eat until around 1 PM.
We went to a baby shower, and had some snacks that we not entirely healthy.
7:30 PM - Everything we thought we had for dinner was spoiled, so we made tacos on a whim.
So here's my thoughts on THRIVE after the first week. While I'm not sure the patch does much, I think the capsules and shakes definitely do. We are getting a lot of vitamins and minerals into our systems. I definitely feel more energized since starting THRIVE. I am also getting used to the new morning routine that includes THRIVE. Erinn agrees. She also thinks that while she is unsure of what the patch is doing, it does remind her throughout the day to make healthier choices, such as eating fruits/veggies and drinking more water.
I am excited to continue on with the program and see what other changes come from THRIVE.
I am so happy that you and Erinn are loving Thrive. Dad and I feel great on Thrive too. We are a week ahead of you both. I do have more energy during the day and I sleep great at night now. I am not sure that I have lost weight, but I also don't weigh myself. It is great to know that you and Erinn are getting healthy in such an easy way.