Friday, September 9, 2016

Le-Vel THRIVE Experience - Day 5

6 AM - Erinn woke up. She took her pills but was running late today and decided not to make a shake. She grabbed a banana to eat on her way to school.

7:40 AM - I took my pills with 8 ounces of water.

8 AM - Erinn's first class is underway. She regretted not having a shake because she felt tired, unfocused, and mainly, hungry. At the beginning of her class it had been about 12 hours since her last meal, besides the banana. She really felt that throughout her day, until she was able to come home around 12:30 for lunch. 

8:10 AM - I have 10 ounces of Chocolate Almond Milk with Chocolate shake mix. And then spilt some of it in my bathroom trying to open my shaker bottle.

I felt good through the morning. I was not as sleepy as I was yesterday, and did not feel sick.

2 PM - I had snacks for lunch. I was not super hungry today. 

I was a little unfocused in the afternoon at work. This could also be because I have the next two days off, which I was excited about.

6 PM - I get off of work, and Erinn and I have some errands to run. We didn't get home until 8:45 PM, and were fine waiting until we were home to eat. We were both getting hungry around 8 PM.

I am excited to continue THRIVE next week. This week was a little off for me schedule wise, so I'm excited to get back into the usual swing of things with THRIVE by my side. I am also excited to see how well THRIVE works while mini-traveling this weekend.

Erinn learned today how reliant she is becoming on having breakfast. Most of our lives we haven't been big on eating breakfast, but now that we have gotten in the habit of it, we feel it when we don't. The THRIVE shakes are a great way for us to start our days off since they have such great amounts of vitamins and minerals to kick start our mornings in a positive way.

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