Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DIY Bow Holder!

Since I joined a sorority,  I have crafted almost everything and anything in my life. I find that sometimes making something yourself is the cheapest option. Although, it is not always the easiest. Do-It-Yourself projects can take a lot of patience and time, and at times can be extremely frustrating. 

For those who don't know, I have a bow obsession. This is partially what fueled me to apply to be a Campus Rep for A Girl Without A Bow! I have bows with various backings, hair ties, alligator clips, and barrettes. I had a ribbon photo board that used to hold all of my bows. However, my bow collection outgrew the space that the board had. For awhile, I had all of my bows just in a jar. But that made choosing a bow to wear for the day slightly difficult since I couldn't see all of the bows at once. 

Last week, I finally got frustrated enough to go shopping for something new to hold my bows. I spent hours on Pinterest trying to find something cute and unique to display my bows on. I asked around on a crafting group on Facebook for ideas as well. However, I still didn't see anything that I really liked. So I decided to just start roaming around Michael's, where there is always deals and coupons for days, on top of already reasonable prices for great products!

I found myself in the Framing section of the store. I didn't want anything too fancy, incase I wanted to personalize the frame myself. I also wanted something with multiple frames so that I can organize my bows, and something that could hang on my wall so I can see it while getting dressed. 

Being the poor college student that I am, I picked a frame that was on sale for $40 off at the time. It was a narrow, long frame that I could hang next to my door, where my full-body-length mirror hangs. It has 5 different sections, and is white so it can be easily decorated with any colors I want.

I took the glass and backing out of the picture frame. I wanted something that would be easy to attach bows to. I chose tulle to put into the frame to clip the bows with alligator clips onto. The holes in the tulle are only expanded a small amount by the clips, and adds some color to the project. I chose pink, sparkly tulle. I used hot glue to attach the tulle. However, because the frame was plastic and the tulle is so light and has holes, it was a little difficult securing the tulle to the frame. After all of the hot glue was dry and cool, I took some clear tacky glue and went around the edges again to ensure that it would stay. I glued down one side at a time, to ensure that it was being pulled tight and would sag under the weight of the many bows I have.

After taking care of the tulle to hold the bows with alligator clips, I had a panicking moment. I still have bows with hair ties and barrette clips that can't go on the tulle! Barrettes are too thick for the tulle and would create large holes that would make the tulle unusable and would rip into shreds. I didn't feel like going back out, so I started searching around my room for random things that I can use. I remembered a kit for hanging things on walls. I had circle hooks that I could screw into the bottom. However, circle hooks are completely closed and there is no way to hang anything on them. I took a pair of needle nose pliers and popped the hooks open to make cup hooks. I simply screwed them into the bottom of the frame. I use five and space them out evenly.

Lastly, the barrette clips. I have a stash of ribbon that I have collected over time for random reasons. I found some silver and black ribbon in the stash, colors that wouldn't collide with the pink of the tulle. Bonus-the ribbon had sparkles, just like the tulle. I attached the ribbon to the back of the frame to hang down for the barrettes to clip on. I used hot glue to attach the ribbon to the back, and let it dry. I hung three rows of ribbon, and made it long enough for about 7-9 bows to hang on each ribbon.
The back of the board

Altogether, I like how the bow holder turned out. It does stand out a little from the wall because of the bows on the hair ties hanging from the cup hooks. They are a little larger than I anticipated, and push the bow holder away from the wall. However, it doesn't bother me. For someone who wanted to try this project, I would recommend not putting the second row of cup hooks so close to the back of the frame. 

How it turned out :)

I'm very excited about how this project turned out!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

My life

While I am not one to usually brag, I am quite excited about some recent events in my life.

About two months ago, I decided to make a very brave choice and switch my major in my junior year of college. I previously was a Human Development and Family Relations major. As of July, I am a Marketing major. Since making this decision, I have encountered a few new jobs that I am incredibly excited about.

As of May, I am a Marketing Intern for Shop Fishie. During my time in this position, I have attended to many aspects of a marketing job. I have designed graphics for advertisements and for the website. I have helped promote the boutique via social media outlets. In addition, I have participated in research for new designers, brands, and businesses for Shop Fishie partner with. With this job, I received a code to share with family and friends. This code, which is 3P5Q5, gives the user 20% off of their purchase at shopfishie.com!

As of September, I am a Campus Representative for A Girl Without A Bow. This is a small business started by a young lady to make money through college. The business has grown quite a lot since she began. She sells various items such as headbands, tutus, bow holders, keychains, and more. Her main focus, as it states in the name of the business, is bows! For this business, I help promote the business and various sales. Again, I have a code to share with family and friends! This code, which is EMILY10, gives the user 10% off of their purchase! You can place an order by e-mailing agirlwithoutabow@yahoo.com. To see what type of items you can purchase, you can go to facebook.com/agirlwithoutabow or check out @AGirlWithoutABow on Instagram!

I am also a Campus Representative for Pura Vida Bracelets. This company helps provide jobs for individuals in Costa Rica. The main product that the company sells is bracelets. They have lovely bracelets of all colors. My favorite category of bracelets that this company produces is their Charity bracelets. A portion of each bracelet sold goes to a certain charity. They have categories such as Animal Awareness, Environmental causes, disorders, cancers, and many more. This company also sells keychains, festival bags, coin purses, hats, hair ties, and many more. Their newest product is the Live Free Water Bottle! However, it is already out of stock! Again, I have a code to share with friends and family! The code is CONLIN10 and gives the user 10% off of their purchase at puravidabracelets.com!

I did not expect to get all of these positions, but am very thankful that i have them! Each company is unique and has a new aspect to bring to the world. Feel free to check out all of these websites! I hope you come to enjoy the products that these companies produce as much as I have come to! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

For All of the Freshman...

As a junior in college, I conveniently sometimes forget that I was once one of the annoying freshman that I now complain about, as I did in high school. I try to forget that, yes, I cried every single night for a while because I was so homesick. And that I called my parents at least twice a day for the first couple of weeks. And that I told my parents at least five times a day that moving away from home was a bad choice and that I was coming back home and going to community college (which I swore I would never do, no matter what).

However, I stayed in college, made friends, and figured out how to be independent for the first time in my life.

Now, here I am with a little sister who is now starting her very own freshman year of college and is just as scared as I was. However, she has it worse because she is a 24 hour drive away from home when I was only 3 hours away from home. Not only does she have to figure out everything on her own, but she can't even come home to my parents for a relaxing weekend to de-stress.

Over the past few months (with a heavy focus on the last two weeks), I have lightly shoved advice in her face and hoped she listened to me. Sometimes she does, mostly she doesn't (but if my boyfriend or brother says it to her, she's all ears)!

With her in mind, I write this post with some few random pieces of advice for incoming freshman.

1. It's okay to miss home!
Everyone does, just some are more open about it than others. Your parents have been there for you 24/7 since the day you were born. Most nights you came home from school or work or practice or whatever, and saw your parents. You talked to them about what happened that day. I didn't care who knew that I missed my family. I wasn't ashamed at all. And you shouldn't be either. Skype/FaceTime your family, or just call or text them. Send them an mail or write on their wall on Facebook. If people make fun of you for missing the people that you have constantly been around for 18 years, they are incredibly ridiculous.

2. Don't listen to anyone else.
People are going to make fun of you. They are going to pick on for you for things that make absolutely no sense. But what anyone says to you does not matter (unless they are giving you compliments!). People say things out of jealousy or spite or anger or are lashing out at you for a situation that has nothing to do with you. Orrrr they just suck. The only opinion that matters is your own. Do what you want, when you want, how you want. It is your life.

3. Get organized
I can't stress this enough. Buy yourself a planner, some sticky notes, a note pad, and highlighters. Get an extra folder for your important documents-financial aid letters, scholarship letters, letters from the bank for loans, anything see of that sort. Write yourself notes and write down what you need to buy next time you go to Walmart. Write down all of your assignments and their due dates. I can't tell you how many times I've missed homework assignments because I didn't write it down in my planner, and when I checked my planner I thought I didn't have homework.

4. Have some fun
My first semester of my freshman year, I went out to parties a grand total of 1 times. I didn't drink alcohol or do any other recreational activities. I felt like an outsider among the rest of the people in my dorm. I spent most of my weekend nights on Skype or watching tv. Occasionally, I would do some homework. And every weekend, I felt lonely. Whenever anyone else decided to stay in with me, I was beyond excited. It wasn't until my second semester that I realized I didn't need to drink if I went out in order to have fun. I became a lot closer to the people on my floor when I went out with them on the weekends and had a good time. I also was happier and had more fun.

5. But don't forget to study, too.
So many freshman think that their classes are soo easy and that they can breeze right through classes, like they did in high school. Some people are right. Most people are wrong. Take some time during the day light on the weekends to do some work, and don't leave it all until Sunday (you'll regret it time and time again). Go to the library to do work, put your headphones in, and turn off your phone. Don't blow off your work to spend time with your friends, most of the time it isn't worth it. Go to class.

6. Keep an open mind
Don't judge people too fast. The people in sororities and fraternities aren't stuck up assholes. The athletes care about more than just sports and how they look. The people who are always in the library tend to be the ones who are crazy on the weekends. Be open to new people and new experiences. Don't be afraid to try something different. Different is usually good.

7. Stand up for what you believe in.
No. Matter. What.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Update: "Sorority Girl" Lolita Wine Glass

A few days ago, I wrote about a "Sorority Girl" glass made by Lolita Wine Glass company. The glass had images on it that promoted hazing and associated partying and "keggers" with sororities. If you did not read this article, you can read it here. 

The next morning, I woke up to my post being seen over 100 times in a little over 12 hours. I was absolutely blown away. I talked to Sara and we decided that we needed to take bigger steps if we wanted to see anything get accomplished. We came up with the idea of starting a petition.

We would like for Lolita Wine Glass company to change the design of their "Sorority Girl" wine glass. There are so many other images that can be used on the glass to convey a much more positive, and accurate, message about sororities. Why not images or saying that convey philanthropy, sisterhood, loyalty, friendship, scholarship, or leadership, for just a few examples? Members of Greek organizations do so much for the community, and most people don't even realize that the people doing such wonderful things are Greek. The kids who read books to your children at the mall? The kids walking the dogs for the SPCA? Who serve meals at the local food shelter or church? Who bring in boxes filled with clothes, toys, and food to their local orphanages, churches, or urban mission? Who host events to raise money for St. Jude, Women's Cardiac Care, Humane Society, and numerous other foundations? Most are probably fraternity or sorority members trying to help those in their community. Don't believe me? Ask next time you see someone doing one of these actions.

Is it too much to ask a company to promote a positive view of Greek life? The images on their "Sorority Girl" glass fall in line with the negative stereotype that has formed around the words "Greek life," "fraternity," and "sorority." Members of the Greek community fight this stereotype day in and day out. These women and men work harder than most people realize in order to be seen as equal, and not less than because they are in a Greek organization.

In a little over 48 hours, the original post about the "Sorority Girl" glass has received 879 views. In almost 34 hours, the petition has received 301 signatures. We hope that this does not stop here. We are receiving more support from websites and individuals who agree with us that this glass is offensive and should be changed. Sorority Sugar, a site that answers questions about Greek life and shares photos of sorority activities and products, has given their support to the cause. We also have submissions processing with other sites as well.

We hope that the company understands how many people do not approve of the design on their "Sorority Girl" glass and change the design. It is not just one person who thinks it is offensive, it is a large amount of people.

Please share the petition with your friends, family, coworkers, or whoever else you want to share it with! Thank you all!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

"Sorority Girl" Lolita Wine Glass

I am a member of the Theta Psi chapter of Alpha Phi sorority at SUNY Plattsburgh. As a chapter, we pride ourselves on not hazing our members during their new member period, or even after initiation. As a Greek community at SUNY Plattsburgh, and a campus as a whole, we are working to raise awareness of what hazing truly means and does to individuals. Our campus takes hazing very seriously, and again, we pride ourselves on trying to prevent hazing.

Greek organizations are not what they "used to be." We strive to help others, especially those in our community. Each organization has at least one philanthropy linked with them. Most of our events raise money for our philanthropies. The events range from a talent show to a gala dinner to a dodge ball tournament and everything in between. Greek organizations also sponsor alcohol awareness and various other seminars on campus. You will find at least 2-4 Greek events per week at SUNY Plattsburgh that have the sole purpose of raising awareness to help others.

As sorority women, we love to show our pride through buying various products that promote positive images of sorority life. One of my sisters, Sara Wells, saw a wine glass made by the Lolita Wine Glass company. The image she saw of the wine glass (seen below) looked like it promoted the positive things that we personally associate with Greek life.
(Picture taken from the Lolita Wine Glass website)

However, when she received the glass, she was extremely disappointed. She tried to email the company to discuss the matter, but received no help from them on the matter. Below is the email she had sent the company, along with pictures Sara took of the glass.

Picture of the unseen sides of the wine glass from Sara's Facebook

"Dear Lolita Wine Glass Co.,

I am not sure if this e-mail is being directed to the proper people, but if it is not I hope that you will forward it to the correct person(s). I purchased the "Sorority Girl" Wine Glass earlier this week from the online catalog upon viewing the only picture available to me:the Greek architecture and the Greek Alphabet playing into the spelling of Sorority Girl. Being the proud sorority woman that I am, I could not resist the purchase of this glass! Yes, being a "proud sorority woman" and purchasing a wine glass that promotes the idea of Greek Life and drinking is a bit of a contradiction, but we all have our guilty pleasures. However, where my displeasure comes in is what is left to be desired on the back of the glass. I loved seeing that there was a heart stating "charity" because that is one of the largest things that keeps sororities relevant: our ability to help others in our society and immediate world around us. Whether it be through supporting foundations such as Woman's Cardiac Care, Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders, or Prevent Child Abuse America, sorority women across the country support organizations that help others. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of our weekends do not consist of "throwing the best keggers" or other Animal House parties with the chantings of "Toga! Toga! Toga!" rising into the air. We coordinate events to raise money and awareness to issues that we are passionate about, we volunteer early on Saturday mornings to help make where we live a better place for the campus and community at large, and holding the highest GPA's on our campuses. Just to name a few of our accomplishments.

Now, to address the "Rush" paddle and "survived" written under it. I was more disappointed to see this tied to "Sorority Girl" then seeing the keg and empty red cups. On my campus (State University of New York [SUNY] in Plattsburgh), we have been working hard for many years to eliminate the hazing atmosphere that surrounds Greek Life. Hazing is not something that should be joked about so lightly as to throw it into a design for a mass produced wine glass; hazing causes irreversible psychological and emotional damage, and at its worse: physical harm and/or death. I am so incredibly proud to be able to honestly say that I am a Sister of a sorority that does not haze. Let me repeat that: I am honestly able to say that my sorority does not haze. So to have purchased a product of yours that idolizes everything I stand against, makes me rethink about the integrity of the Lolita company.

To assist in counteracting the negative connotations tied to sororities like the majority of the media upholds, the Lolita Wine Glass Co. should reconsider their design for the "Sorority Girl" wine glass. Some suggestions that apply to sororities as a whole?
Just to name a few.

Sororities stand for so much more than partying and, according to the Lolita company, hazing. We are women who have come together to improve the world for the better, as well as to develop and grow as women with the assistance of our sisters. Many of our organizations were founded because we wanted to be equal to the men, we wished to be in companionship with like-minded women, we wished to make a change. The Lolita Wine Glass Co., should take some of these values and ideas into consideration when promoting the continued sale of this product.

I would like to hear your thoughts on how to rectify this situation through the redesigning of your Sorority Girl glass.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Sara Wells"

Personally, I feel the same way that Sara does. Members of Greek organizations are working so hard to fight the stereotype that is associated with us. When companies like Lolita sell products that go against what we are working towards, it is offensive and demeaning. Please tell us, or even better Lolita, how you feel about this glass!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Cover Photos

Recently I downloaded a free trial of Adobe Photoshop! I have absolutely fallen in love with it! I've been using it mostly for my internship.

However, when I was bored a few nights ago, I decided I wanted a new cover photo for my personal Facebook page. I'm in a sorority, and fall recruitment is quickly approaching. I decided I would make myself a new fall recruitment cover photo, because why not?!

Once I started making them, I couldn't stop! I was having a lot of fun experimenting with Photoshop and figuring out what patterns look good with what colors. I made some for my own sorority, some general go Greek ones, and a few patterned ones that have no words!

I know these cover photos aren't the best, but I'm working on making new and better ones! :) You have to start somewhere, right? Feel free to leave feedback or suggestions on my work!

Here's a few different ones :) 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Shop Fishie Giveaway!

Shop Fishie is giving away a $50 gift card to their website! Only 2 days left to enter! Log into your social media sites through the link below to enter! There are so many wonderful things you can buy from shopfishie.com, and having a gift card from them makes it even better! And use the code 3P5Q5 for 20% off of your purchase, too! :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Americana Bow Graphic Crop Top

Absolutely in love with this Americana Bow Graphic Crop Top from Charlotte Russe! I’m known for wearing bow and sparkles. This shirt has BOTH and therefore was the perfect shirt for me to wear for some 4th of July celebrations! 

The blue and red have a little fade to them, but is intentional. There is a lot of small details in the way the bow (and pattern) folds that make the bow more authentic!

I wore it with a black lace bandeau and dark jeans to the fireworks for my small town. It was nice and cool to the beach during the day as well! I have an extreme sunburn on my stomach, chest, and shoulders, and this was a shirt had some flow to it and didn’t bother my sunburn at all!

I'm wearing a size medium shirt, and it fit really well. I wanted it to be a little loose on me. 

This shirt is originally $17.99, but is on sale for $15 on charlotterusse.com or at a Charlotte Russe store! 

Barbados Blue Dress

My new Barbados Blue Dress from Shop Fishie! It was perfect to wear on this warm and beautiful day in Wisconsin! I am currently extremely sunburned on my shoulders, chest, and stomach. This dress didn’t bother my sunburn at all! Honestly, I thought that the elastic on the stomach may, but it didn’tl! It was kind of a windy day out, but the dress didn’t blow up in the wind to expose anything. The triangle cut out in the front didn’t expose too much, and allowed a breeze through the dress! The color is also absolutely gorgeous! A very true and vibrant blue! 

I am wearing a size medium in this dress. I am 5'7". I usually wear a small/medium top and size 4 pants. The medium fit well across my chest and wasn't to tight. The length was great! Usually my parents complain that my dresses or skirts are too short (I have really long legs), but they thought that this dress was very appropriate!

I wore this dress out shopping this morning. But I would wear it to a sorority ceremony or to church with a light jacket or cardigan. Perfect color for spring or summer!

I definitely recommend this dress! It is only $40 on shopfishie.com! You can also get 20% off of your purchase with the code 3P5Q5! :) 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Nike Training App

This is another app that I use to help get my body back in shape! The Nike Training App has all different types of workouts! The programs are all 15, 30, or 45 minutes long, and include warming up and cool down stretches. 

The workouts can be full body workouts or can be focused on one specific area of the body! The full body work outs can be chosen at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level.

There are two different types of area-specific workouts. The first type are workouts that are put together by celebrities. 

The second type are 15 minute intense workouts. 

You can also start a workout program! The program involves three workouts a week, and can also be chosen from a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level!

You can save your favorite workouts for easy access!

You can also see all of the activities you've done so far!

And just like the Nike Running App, so can access the Nike store without leaving the app! 

This app is really useful for a beginner who is working out it for someone who is already in shape and is looking for new workouts! If there is a move that you are unsure how to do, the app provides step-by-step instructions! There are also videos on how to do the moves as well! 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Nike Running App

Lately, I've been trying to get into shape by running. It's something that is free and that I can do almost anywhere. I don't have to drive anywhere to do it either. (PS-don't make fun of the fact that I'm a terrible runner!)

To keep track of my process, I use the Nike Running app on my iPhone. 

It tracks where I run, how fast I run, the time it took me to run, and my average pace. 

You can also compare it to other runs. 

Another cool feature on this app is the coaching. If you are planning to do a 5k, 10k, half marathon, or marathon, they have plans for you to safely work your way towards your goal. You can choose a plan based on whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced runner! 

If you get your friends to use the app also, you can challenge them to races via the app. 

You can also ship the Nike website without leaving the app!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sorority Planner

While browsing Pintrest.com about a month ago, I saw a pin for something called "The Sorority Planner." The link led me to a website, www.catandericadesigns.com. A link at the top of their website (which they are still working on developing) leads you to their etsy shop, www.etsy.com/shop/CatandEricaDesigns. I wasn't expecting to buy anything when I first started looking at the site. At the time however, they were having their end of the year sale and only had a few planners left! For $35, I could get a planner that had sections for chapter meeting, other meeting, event planning, goals, notes, and a full year calendar! 

A week later, the planner arrived and I was not disappointed! The colors of the planner were bright and gorgeous. The first page of every section has a different quote on it. The pages in each section have plenty of room for writing and are very organized in the way that they are arranged.

These two ladies also offer different types of planners in addition to The Sorority Planner. They offer The Fraternity Planner, for fraternity men, The Executive Planner, for members of an executive board, The Advisor Planner, for advisors to sororities, and The New Member Planner, for new members of an organization. They also have a limited number for group orders for planners! If you already have a planner, you can purchase just the page inserts when you run out! Each planner has a few different options for the design on the front and back covers.

I already know of a few girls in my chapter who can't wait to get their Sorority Planners! While it is summer and there's not much going on in my sorority at the time, I am still using my planner almost every day. I'm writing notes down for things to remember in the fall. I have meetings planned already for when my committee is back on campus! I can't wait for the new semester to start so I can use every section of my planner!